At MTS Chartered Accountants, we have been working with charities, not-for-profit organisations and clubs for many years.

We work with a variety of charities, sports clubs and social clubs across Northern Ireland. With ever changing legislation and governance rules, including SORP requirements and the introduction of The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland, it is now, more than ever, essential to have the correct professional guidance.

MTS Chartered Accountants can help you set up using the most appropriate entity, guide you through the legislation and help you define your charity’s purpose. As registered auditors we have the experience and technical skills to complete statutory and non-statutory audits. We plan our audits to be as stress free as possible and to add value, with recommendations from our findings being presented to you. We offer one-to-one support on common issues, such as corporate governance, managing assets and resources, recruiting and training trustees. You will be kept on the right track with regard to compliance; including the SORP for charities and the registration of clubs, legislation and taxation; including planning and advice on donations, Gift Aid, PAYE and VAT; including specialist knowledge on VAT partial exemption which can have a huge effect on clubs.


Currently we work with and have expertise to support organisations in the following areas:

  • Charities
  • Community Group
  • Community Interest Companies (CIC)
  • Sports Clubs
  • Golf Clubs
  • Social Clubs


Enquire about our Services for Charities, Community Groups & Clubs

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